October is here and we are settling into our school routine
and working really hard in the classroom.
Here are some of the things we have been doing:
We have had two spelling units so far. Remember that after four units/tests we will
have a BlockBuster Quiz where the students will be tested on 20 words from the
previous four spelling lists. A list of
the 20 words to be studied for the week will be sent home on Monday. This is a review as the students have already
been tested on all of the 20 words.
There will be no sentences tested on review weeks. Please continue to help your child study
these words each week.
We are learning to sound words out based on their letter
sounds. This helps with both spelling
and reading. We are doing a lot of
reading and writing. We are learning how
to write a proper sentence with capitalization and punctuation. We have started writing in our journals and
we are learning how to properly write in a notebook.
In Math, we have been practicing some basic addition. We are learning to use a number line and 100
chart to help us with our facts. We are
practicing our skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100. We have also learned about surveys and
graphs. We created a class birthday
graph and height graph. We are learning
how to read a graph and survey in order to answer questions about them.
In Science, we are looking at the characteristics of humans
and animals and how those characteristics change or stay the same from the time
they are a baby until they become an adult.
In Social Studies we are learning about what it means to be
a community. We will be looking at the
different groups of people, places and services that it takes to make up a
community. For example, stores, schools,
post office, fire station, homes, workers, etc.
**Important dates to remember:
Monday, October 10th – No School
Thanksgiving Day
Tuesday, October 11th – Early
Dismissal at 2:20/Mass 11:00am
Friday, October 21st – No School In-service
Tuesday, October 25th – Picture Day
Monday, October 31st -
N.U.T. Day Wear orange and/or black
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and a Happy
Mrs. Shade