Wow! It's hard to believe it is already June and the end of the school year is upon us. With that being said, we still have a lot of learning and fun activities in the weeks ahead.
In Language Arts we have been practicing our story writing. The students are learning that all stories
need characters, a setting, a problem and solution and a beginning, middle and
end to their story. They are really enjoying
planning, drafting and writing good copies and adding illustrations to their
stories. They loved sharing their stories with their classmates.
In math, we finished up our subtraction unit and are ending
the year with a short unit on shapes and measurement.
In Science, we started a new unit called Position and Motion. We have learned many new vocabulary words in
this unit and we have had the opportunity to do some partner work which
students are really enjoying.
In Social Studies, we just finished learning about and
comparing Nunavut to Manitoba. We will
now start taking a closer look at our whole country, Canada. We will learn about important symbols,
buildings and monuments and discover the importance of diversity in
In Religion, we just finished up our Month of Mary and ended
it with a beautiful service to Crown Our Mother Mary. We are now focusing on the Ten Commandments. The students have also written prayers that
they have been reading daily during our morning announcements.
I hope everyone has a wonderful, restful and relaxing summer.
Mrs. Shade