Thursday, September 17, 2020


 It has been a busy first week back to school!  We have been getting back into a routine, getting to know our classmates, learning our new responsibilities, coming up with our class rules, and having fun all while social distancing.  This year looks a little bit different than in the past but we are all doing our best to keep each other safe and healthy. 


It was so nice to get to meet with all of the families before school started back full time.  I really enjoyed having that one on one time with each student and family to go over some of the new rules and routines happening in grade 2. 


Feel free to contact me at the school if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child.  You may also communicate through your child’s agenda as I check them daily.  


Please visit the blog throughout the school year for updates on what we are learning and doing in the classroom. 


I look forward to a great school year!


Mrs. Shade