I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Spring break! It’s hard to believe we only have three more months of school for this school year. We still have a lot of learning and fun activities to do in the next three months.
In Language
Arts, we will continue with our spelling and phonics programs. We will be doing a lot of writing in April
and really focusing on stretching our sentences out and adding more detail to
make them sound more interesting.
In Math, we
started a short unit on patterns before the break. We will finish up that unit this month and
then start working on a measurement and graphing unit. We will also be busy preparing for our Math Learning
Fair. It will be held on the evening of
May 11th. The Scholastic Book
Fair will be back in person and will be open to friends and families to browse
and shop during the evening of the learning fair. It will be located in the gym.
In Science,
we are continuing our unit on Solids, Liquids and Gases. We have been doing many hands on activities
and experiments in this unit and the students are really enjoying learning in
this way. They had a blast making and
testing their boats to see how many marbles they could hold before they started
to sink. Many of our boats were still
floating after 100 marbles!!
In Social
Studies, we are learning about Communities in Canada. We are almost finished learning about our
smallest province, Prince Edward Island.
We will be learning about Iqaluit, Nunavut next. We will look at the similarities and
differences between Manitoba and Nunavut.
In Religion,
we will continue talking about Lent and preparing for Easter. We will be learning about the Stations of the
Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus. Thank you to everyone who brought in pasta
sauce for our Almsgiving.
As the
weather continues to get warmer, our playground will become very wet. It is a good idea to come prepared with the
proper outdoor clothing and to send an extra set of clothes, socks, and mitts
to school each day.
Thank you,
Mrs. Shade