It’s hard to believe that we are already in the month of March. Report cards will be sent home on Thursday, March 10th and parent-teacher interviews are just around the corner. Please remember to sign the parent comment sheet and send it back to school with the report card envelope.
In Language Arts this month we are focusing on adding detail
to our sentences to make them more interesting.
We have started a novel study on the book Charlotte’s Web. It will be read aloud to the students and we
will answer questions and do activities based around the book. This will help the students with their
listening and comprehension skills.
In Math, we are focusing on addition and subtraction. We will start learning two digit addition and
subtraction with regrouping after spring break.
We will also continue to work on becoming quicker and more efficient at
our mental math facts to 18 by doing mad minutes.
In Science, we are continuing our unit on States of Matter. We have been doing many hands on activities
and experiments in this unit and the students are really enjoying learning in
this way. They had a blast making and
testing their boats to see how many marbles they could hold before they started
to sink. Many of our boats were still
floating after 100 marbles!!
In Social Studies, we are learning about communities in
Canada. We are almost finished learning
about our smallest province, Prince Edward Island. We will be learning about Iqaluit, Nunavut
next. We will look at the similarities
and differences between Manitoba and Nunavut.
In Religion, we are learning about Lent and preparing for
Easter. Lent is a time for remembering
all that Jesus did to save us. We get
ready for the celebration of Easter and the new life that Jesus brings us.
Please remember to check and sign your child’s agenda each
night. Also, please do not hesitate to
contact me at the school or through the agenda if you have any concerns
regarding your child.
Take care,
Mrs. Shade